In today’s world, if purebred dogs were created in Silicon Valley, the names of the colors and markings they come in would likely sound “high tech: “Titanium Grey,” “Defragmented,” or “Speckled Cyan.” As it is, our breeds inherited color names that reflected the world in which they were created and developed: Landscapes, grass, or even food! Can you name color names found in our breed standards that are “good enough to eat?” We’ve gotten the ball rolling with an easy one reflected in our image below of a Chocolate Lab. Can you come up with some others? We’ll share our answers under the image which is entitled, “Chocolate Lab Head In Hand,” by Amy Reges available here.
For our answers, we came up with Apricot, Biscuit, Café au Lait, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Cream, Liver, Mustard, Orange, Pepper, Pepper & Salt, Red Sesame, Salt & Pepper. How did you do (and if we missed any, be sure to share them!)
Image of Mustard and Pepper, Dandie Dinmonts from a painted by Arthur Wardle entitled “Champion Dandies”