The scene: You’re alone in the kitchen. You tear open a bag of chips, and instantly, a dog or two materialize at your side. The dogs you thought were outside. The dogs that didn’t hear you calling their names at the top of your lungs only minutes before.
What’s up with that?
Dogs are always on the lookout for a snack. And when humans are ready for one too, the prize in this contest will make their mouths water! (the prize is for people, not dogs!)
We welcome back a popular sponsor from last year, Gourmet Gift Baskets, specialists in handcrafting gourmet gift baskets for all occasions. Founded in 2002 by the Abood family, the company is recognized for its exceptional quality and customer service. We at National Purebred Dog Day can personally attest to how good these baskets are: We send a Gourmet Gift Basket to express appreciation to jurors judging our annual Fine Art/Poster competition. Dog clubs can do the same to thank their conformation and performance judges, and include the baskets as door prizes and auctions. The baskets are that good. To entice you to consider Gourmet Gift Baskets for your next occasion, here’s a promo code to sweeten the pot; LOVEDOGS10.
The Challenge: What won’t your dog do to get your snack? Your task to capture your dog’s most persuasive and creative effort to get some of it. Your entry should show a clever dog pulling out all the stops to persuade you to share. Have they perfected a pathetic, “‘I’m starving” expression? Do they use props to get closer to that treat?
Who can enter: This contest is limited to US residents
Sponsor: Gourmet Gift Baskets
The prize: Deluxe Snack and Chocolate Gift Basket filled with a gourmet assortment of sweet and savory treats (the Mudpuppies to die for!)
The Dreaded Small Print You Must Read To Enter
•••• This contest happens on May 1 on our Facebook page. It is open to US residents;
•••• One entry per person; You may enter four different photo challenges. If you enter this one, you may enter three more;
•••• When submitting your photo entry on Facebook, you must indicate the name of this contest which is the “”Snack Attack” Photo Challenge
•••• Your entry must be for the 2025 contest. Photos submitted from previous years’ contests will be disqualified, and yes, we remember photos from one year to the next;
•••• Within the photo, your image must include a purebred dog and one of the following either downloaded from the link or handmade:
The “Happy National Purebred D♥g Day” sign
The “I L♥ve My Purebred Dog” sign
Any official National Purebred Dog Day item available here.
•••• No photoshopping, and that includes the required sign. Our judges, David Frei, co-host of NBC’s National Dog Show, and veteran Westminster Kennel Club photographer, Jack Grassa, must see what you actually shot with your camera;
•••• Many people may help you take your photo, but the prizes goes to the person submitting the winning photograph;
•••• Entering this contest implies consent that your photo may be shared on NPDD’s social media platforms, and by Gourmet Gift Baskets for promotional purposes;
•••• A full explanation of how, when, and where to submit your entry can be read here;
•••• Important! You and your dog should have safe fun when composing your entry (dogs should get their own appropriate snacks not from the basket)
•••• Judges’ decisions are final
Photo by By AnnaFotyma/Adobe