The Smelling Machine

It’s estimated that a Bloodhound’s nose has approximately 230 million olfactory cells, or “scent receptors” — 40 times the number in humans. While our olfactory center is about the size of a postage stamp, a Bloodhound’s can be as large as a handkerchief!

When a Bloodhound sniffs a scent article, air rushes through her nasal cavity and chemical vapors — or odors — lodge in the mucus and bombard her scent receptors. Chemical signals are then sent to the olfactory bulb, the part of her brain that analyzes smells, and then “odor image” is created.

For the dog, this image is far more detailed than a photograph is for a human. Using the odor image as a reference, our Bloodhound can locate a subject’s trail made up of a chemical cocktail of smells that include breath, sweat vapor, and skin rafts.

Add to this those magnificent wrinkles and ears that trap smells and you have a smelling machine. Talk about a purpose bred dog!!

Once the Bloodhound identifies the trail, she won’t divert her attention even thought she’s bombarded by a plethora of other smells. Only when she finds the source of the scent or reaches the end of the trail will she relent. Bloodhounds have been known to stick to a trail for more than 130 miles!

You betcha we love Bloodhounds. You got one? Let us see yours!!

Bloodhound by LA Shepard/thedoglover

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