Husky. Come again?

Some breed names make perfect sense. They’re named after a function, region, person, or the people that created it. How many breeds are called by a mispronunciation of the breed’s native name?

The Siberian Husky has been known as the Arctic Husky, Siberian Dog, Siberian Chukchi, the Chukchi Sled dog, Chukchi, or just the Chuchi, the latter  taken from the name of a tribe local to the Yakutsk region of Siberia’s extreme northeast. Where the heck, however, did the word, “husky” come from? There are several theories on this. One thought holds that the word came from a mispronunciation of “chukchi,” the other theory thinking that it’s a slang abbreviation of “Eskimo.”  Another source maintains that “Husky” comes from an abbreviation of the obsolete word for “Eskimo,” Ehuskemay, or, in the Newfoundland dialect, Huskemaw. 

Siberian Husky by James Ahn


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