The Largest of the Setters: Beauty, Brains and Birdsense

The largest of the setters is also the heaviest, most heavily coated, and most methodical worker of the setters, as well as the rarest, but the Gordon Setter is no stranger in American history.  The first Gordon Setters to set foot in America were a pair imported in 1842 from the Gordon Castle kennels by George Blunt of Morristown, New Jersey.  He kept the big male named, “Rake” for himself,” and his friend, Secretary of State, Daniel Webster, took “Rachel.” Both dogs were reported to be excellent hunters,  but the friends had a running rivalry over whose dog was better.  Little matter now. “Rake” and “Rachael” are regarded as the foundations of the breed in America, and 42 years after their arrival to America, the Gordon Setter became one of the nine original breeds recognized by the AKC at its founding.

 “Living Color” by Teri Gillespie is available as a print, poster, and many other formats here.

6 thoughts on “The Largest of the Setters: Beauty, Brains and Birdsense”

  1. I would think that if you were going to use an artist painting you would give them credit for their work. The artist is Teri Gillespie.

    • And we would think, Pat, that you would have read the entire article, otherwise you would know that the artist was credited at the bottom of the page back in 2017.

      • When I first read the article her name was NOT mentioned. It showed up after my comment. Being snarky does not suit you

        • We promise you, the artist’s name has been there since 2017. Adding it after the fact without acknowledging your help not only doesn’t suit us, it’s not our style.

  2. Oh my. I’m truly flattered that my painting was used as a representative of the breed and that reference was made toward my merchandise. I appreciate Pat looking out for my interests but please consider the misunderstanding closed.

    • We’re delighted to hear from you, Teri, and appreciate the feedback. You’re a terrifically talented artist!

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