Buried at Rancho del Cielo, California is a Bouvier des Flandres whose name in life was “Lucky.” Born on December, 6, 1984, Lucky was a gift from Kristen Ellis, the 1985 March of Dimes poster child, to President Reagan and Nancy Reagan.

President and Nancy Reagan driving in a limousine with dog “lucky” to Camp David
Lucky” was named after Mrs. Reagan’s mother, Edith Luckett Davis, and the pup was presented to the Reagans in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. On most weekends, Lucky went with the Reagans to the presidential retreat at Camp David. As a youngster, Lucky balked at getting on the noisy helicopter for the trip, and sometimes she had to be carried onto the craft, but she became accustomed to to helicopter over time and got on it without fuss. She became known for chasing newsmen around the White House, playing hide and seek with the Reagans, and accompanying the President for strategy sessions and conferences in the Oval Office during his Presidency.
Nevertheless, the formal setting of the White House was too confining for Lucky’s energy level, and she was outgrowing Mrs. Reagan’s ability to hang on to her leash. Knowing that she could eventually hit 100 pounds, the Reagans felt that her life could be better, and “Lucky” became lucky indeed when she joined four other dogs at the Reagan’s 688-acre ranch in the Santa Ynez mountains overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Her new housemates included “Victory,” a Golden Retriever, and “Scotch” and “Soda,” two black Scottish Terriers.
Elaine Crispin. the first lady’s press secretary, said, “Dogs that size love to run and be outdoors. The President and Mrs. Reagan felt the ranch would be a happy spot for her [but] l think they’re really. really going to miss her.”
Lucky died January 5, 1995