Much of the world didn’t know about Afghan Hounds until British soldiers returning home from the then Indian-Afghanistan border brought a few dogs back with them in the 19th century. When an Afghan Hound named, “Zardin” was first exhibited at the Crystal Palace in 1907 by Capt. Banff (also seen written as “Barnard”), the dog was shown under the breed name, “Oriental Dog.” Despite the sensation the created at the time, the breed all but disappeared in England with the advent of World War I. Happily, the breed was revived and developed after the war through two influential lines, the Bell-Murray dogs and the Ghazi hounds. A number of the British-bred Afghan Hounds were exported to the United States in the 1920’s and became the foundation of the breed here.
Image of Afghan Hound by Skia found on Pinterest, additional information happily given upon receipt of it
Fabulous breed, but then I’m partial 😉