“Out of One, Many” – Entry in National Purebred Dog Day Fine Art/Poster Competition 2021

Title: “Out of One, Many”

Artist: Marieke Davis

Medium:  Prismacolor colored pencils, Copic markers, Micron ink pens

Size: 23″ x 17″ x 0″

Price:  $500.00  Contact National Purebred Dog Day to inquire about purchasing this piece.

Artist’s Thoughts: My entry for the National Purebred Dog Day Poster Competition was inspired by the variety and diversity of the over 300 dog breeds listed from the American Kennel Club, and how they all trace back to one common ancestor–the wolf. My goal was to depict as many different and unique breeds as possible while also highlighting some of the functions well known to that breed, such as a Husky in a sled harness, a German Shepherd in a police K-9 vest, and a Golden Retriever in an ADA harness. As an artist who is also legally blind, I made it a point to highlight how dogs have such an impact on our lives by making living easier and better every day. Their eagerness to please and unwavering devotion is matched only by their capacity for unconditional love. They may have come from wolves, but they have adapted and evolved alongside us to become our guides, our protectors, and our best friends.


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