Pyramid Head

They are the only breeds in all of the AKC whose standards call for a four-sided pyramid head.


Not seeing it? Let us help:

The Portugese Podengo Pequeno (in the hound group) and the Portuguese Podengo (in the miscellaneous group) both call for a four sided pyramid head, and yes, you would be correct in thinking it’s basically a wedge shaped head.

If you’re wondering what the difference is between the two, it’s the size. The word “pequeno,” means small or little. At 8 to 12 inches tall,  and ranging from 9 to 13 pounds, the Portugueso Pequeno Podengo is the smallest of the Portuguese Podengo breeds, and some sources write that it might be the smallest hunting dog breed in the world.

The Grande and Medio, also both Podengos, are bigger. The Grande can stand up to 28 inches at the withers and weigh up to 66 pounds, while the Medio may be as tall as 22 inches at the withers, and weigh up to 44 pounds. They have in common, however, that wedge head, and two coat varieties, smooth and wire coated.

Image: Portugese Podengo Pequeno/Adobe Stock Photo


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