“Queen Shelby, Canaan Dog” (Entry in National Purebred Dog Day Fine Art/Poster Competition 2020)

Title: “Queen Shelby, Canaan Dog”

Artist: Mary Ellen Bilisnansky McMorrow

Medium:  Oil and gold composition leaf on board

Size:  48″ x 24″ x 1″

Price:  $7000.00 Contact National Purebred Dog Day to inquire about purchasing this piece.

Artist’s Thoughts: “Portrait of Queen Shelby has been done as a traditional Russian icon on board with gold leaf background. My background is in traditional Russian iconography, and I also have always painted animals, usually life size. For many years I licensed animal designs to manufacturers, which I am still doing. I began doing portraits which combine my traditional iconography process with the portraits to elevate these beautiful animals to an almost “angelic” status. It celebrates their spirits. The gilded backgrounds make them glow! This portrait is of my own purebred dog, Shelby, a Canaan Dog. Her “character name” is one I have given to them in a story I created about her, my Papillon Prince Bart and Princess Mesa Verde, Anatolian Shepherd living in a magical kingdom of Santa Fe, our home. Their story is called “Ruff Times.”


One thought on ““Queen Shelby, Canaan Dog” (Entry in National Purebred Dog Day Fine Art/Poster Competition 2020)”

  1. An interesting story, I’m sure, would love to read it! What a lovely Canaan – I have not met many yet, as they are still rare in the show ring, I’ll have to seek some out!

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