Rolling Off

We sometimes take for granted the things that connect us to the earth until those things shriek for attention. Losing traction on wet or icy roads can be evidence that there is inadequate tread depth on our tires – and we have bald tires. Sliding into a guard rail is a lousy way to learn that we should have been checking the wear on our Goodyears.

We may not realize that our favorite shoes have become too favored until our sock gets wet, and we discover that our shoe has a hole in it.

Perhaps awkwardly, we segue into our dogs’ feet, and the importance of examining them, as well. News flash: Dogs are meant to walk on their feet, and more specifically, they’re meant to walk on the pads of their feet. Pads provide cushioning that absorb the steps a dog takes, but if something interferes with the pad making full contact with the ground, it can lead to foot problems which lead to pain. Pain interferes with performance. More importantly, no one wants their dog to be in pain.

An obvious, and all too common source of interference are toe nails left too long, and there are plenty of sites on-line that discuss the why behind proper nail maintenance. “Knuckling” can also cause problems, and this is when the wrist or front pastern joint is bent forward and the dog lacks normal paw positioning. Again, other sites discuss the various reasons a dog would knuckle.

We want to touch upon an underlying issue that is harder to see, and that is connective tissue that is too long or too loose. The symptom, however, is apparent: When a dog is standing still and the front of his pads are easily seen almost as if an invisible hand is pulling up on the nails to show the pads, chances are that the dog is rolling off his pads when he walks. For obvious reasons, this is known as “rolling off pads.”

The image seen here does not illustrate “rolling off pads,” but if one of our readers has a photo of the issue and would grant us permission to use it, full credit (and our gratitude) will be given. Image: Deposit stock photo

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