Like another cartoon character, “Scooby Doo,” “Astro,” of the animated series, “The Jetsons” is a Great Dane. The pair also have something else in common: Both were “voiced” by the same man, Don Messick, a veteran voice actor. He gave Astro his unique voice and signature “Ruh-roh!” in 1962-63 (later, Astro was voiced by Wally Wingert), then did Scooby Doo from 1969-75. As aside, Messick also did “Bamm Bamm” from the Flintstones, and “Dr. Quest” from the cartoon adventure, Jonny Quest. Meet “Astro” at the 1:07 mark in the clip below:
Astro’s original name was “Tralfaz,” as given to him by his original owner, J.P. Gottrockets.