In 1982, Bob Thaves wrote of Fred Astaire: “Sure he was great, but don’t forget that Ginger Rogers did everything he did, backwards, and in high heels.” We were reminded of this quote when we came across the photo at the left taken at an Amsterdam dog show in 1910. The same site shared the picture below taken in Mineola in 1908. The writing on the photo reads, “Marion C. Bourne with Michael’s Strogoff best American bred Russian wolfhound.”
One thing is certain: Dogs back then were less likely to be afraid of a hat the approximate size of a microwave oven.
But we digress. This post is giving you your third-to-last hint about next week’s Purebred of Interest, and here it is: This breed (not an individual dog of this breed) was once listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
Historical photos from Rocking Flatlands