National Purebred Dog Day Official Poster for 2020


“Beauty in Diversity” by John Keeling, is the winner of National Purebred Dog Day’s Fourth Annual Fine Art/Poster competition 2020, and is now its official 2020 poster.

“Beauty in Diversity” was chosen by juror, Mr. Alan Fausel, Executive Director of the AKC Museum of the Dog, in a highly competitive contest with the greatest number of entries to NPDD’s art competition to date.  Of the piece, Mr. Fausel said, “Keeling is clearly a skilled water-colorist and has rendered the chosen breeds with accuracy and panache. The quote embodies the spirit of purebred dogs. Each breed was developed for a specific purpose or job and often work together in concert. It is important to remember that every dog has a job.

Size: 18″ x 24”

Poster will be sent rolled and encased in plastic wrap and shipped in a white wax tube

Our deepest appreciation to the Danburg Family Foundation which co-sponsored this event.

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