What Breed Does This Remind You Of?

How many items in our daily lives take their name from a dog breed?

Behold the bulldog pipe. It has a diamond shank, tapered stem, and a bowl that is tilted forward a few degrees. There is a good deal discussion on-line about these pipes: With grooves, or without? Transition of bowl to the panels of the shank. The difference between this pipe and a Rhodesian (some think any bent Bulldog is a Rhodesian. Dog, that is). Who knew?

A bulldog is described as a favorite among those who choose to smoke flake tobacco or Balkan blends. This is evidently due to the pipe’s short bulky design, and thick briar walls in both the chamber and shank. And “short bulky design” leads us to the pipe’s name. Did the English Bulldog inspire the pipe design? No one knows, though many point out a striking similarity between the two, namely, the short frame and bulky body built to be powerful.  As an aside, we noticed two other pipes with brBulldog,pipeeed names, the Rhodesian and the Cavalier, both purely coincidental, we think. All this talk of pipes made us remember a book we came across a while back: Making Pipe Cleaner Pets which includes instructions for making Boston Terriers, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Chihuahuas, Dachshunds, French Bulldogs, Labrador Retrievers, Toy Poodles, and many more. A good winter project for a child, we think!

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