You’ve NEVER Seen This Breed

If you’ve ever seen this breed before, we think we should check your attic for a painting (show of hands of people who “get” this reference).

We delight in sharing breeds with you that you might never have seen before, but we think it’s important to also share breeds you’ve never seen, and never will, because they’re extinct.  Why is this important? In our view, the answer is two-fold:  The first is to underscore the fact that “extinction” does happen to dog breeds, and it may be happening under our noses this minute to many beloved breeds in their country of origin (check out the Kennel Club’s Vulnerable Breeds list). We also want to point out some extinct breeds had a huge impact on breeds we have today, and at least one author has suggested that a dog like the Southern Hound (seen in the thumbnail image) was used so often in the creation of other breeds that it may have vanished by sheer dilution. Does “designer breed” ring a bell?

Also known as the Old English Hound, or (our favorite) the “Heavy Finder,” the Southern Hound has been described as a large, strong but slow hound with a ‘majestic solemnity of appearance’ (Desmond Morris – Dogs) and a wicked sense of smell. Although its existence as a breed has disappeared, its genetic influence lives on in the Foxhound, Bloodhound, Beagle, Harrier, and Coonhound.

Dog “geeks” may interesting the claim made that the Southern Hound was used by ancient Britons to pursue large game, and if this is the case, the Southern Hound pre-dates Norman Hounds introduced to England in the 11th century. We know. Heady stuff, right?

Image of the Southern Hound from Pinterest and happily credited upon receipt of information.

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