Can You Acrostic?

Ok, so we made a verb out of a noun (back in the day, “enthuse” wasn’t a verb, either, until common usage forced it into the dictionary). An acrostic is a poem where certain letters in each line spells out a word or phrase. Typically, the first letters of a line are used to spell the message, such as the Beagle acrostic below, but they can appear anywhere in the sentence. The challenge becomes greater when the sentence is very breed specific. Try your hand, and if there’s a really special one, we’ll send you an NPDD bumper sticker for your cleverness.

The Beagle

Baroo! Can you hear me? I hear you!
Ears so soft; button-eyed, too.
Always up to something.
Games or trouble hunting.
Looking for something requiring my digestation.
Every smell deserves my full investigation.

Beagle acrostic by Kiki Kane and found on 

Beagle copper miniature sculptures by Erica Kirchner. Get yours here


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