Title: “Big Dreams”
Artist: Lisa Rosenmeier
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 24″ x 18″ x 1″
Price: $900.00 Contact National Purebred Dog Day to inquire about purchasing this piece
Artist’s Thoughts: The Greyhound and the Great Dane have a long standing history with nobility and are two breeds that have been admired by people through time. For that reason I gave them the place of honor to be represented in paintings for this piece. The Maltese was also chosen for their long history and ties to nobility as well. However, this Maltese imbodies the spirit of my personal dog. She has a spirit of any large dog, keenly intelligent and strong passion for life.
Most of the time I start off with thinking about what I want my work to say, the message it should convey. I come up with a basic concept and then start to research to make sure that what I chose will be the best representation for symbolic meaning. Then I start drawing out my idea. Sometimes I make revisions when a feel a piece is not work the way I intend. Once I have everything hashed out (color pallet too) will I start to create the work. Starting with make all my frame and stretching my canvas by hand. After the canvas is ready I’ll start to paint what I have already planned out to create. The messy part of my process is inside my mind. I hate guessing or figuring it out when it’s time to painting.