Another Word for Racy/Reedy

If you’re of a certain generation,  you might remember this “flash from the past” (scroll down):

It’s hard to believe that Shelley Fabares, the young lady who sang that song, is now seventy-seven years old. She has had an interesting life that you can read more about here because we’ve moving on to another “Shelley.”

If you’re not into horror, you can skip 44 seconds of an iconic scene from The Shining:

Shrieking behind the door is Shelley Duvall, and to bring us down from a racing heart, here’s a poem:

“My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
English Lit majors will recognize the poem as Ozymandias, written by Shelley, and by now, you’ve likely detected a theme to this post, and it is the word, “shelley.”

In the dog world, shelly (spelled differently) is a term that describes a dog with a narrow, shallow chest and body, a canine lacking substance and the correct amount of bone. A shelly dog has little spring to its ribs, and with little room for heart and lungs, it suggests a lack of endurance. Needless to say, it’s a fault, and two AKC breed standards mention it. From the Standard Schnauzer standard: Faults – Too slender or shelly; too bulky or coarse. From the Rottweiler standard: The Rottweiler is neither coarse nor shelly.

Some people would describe such a dog as racy or reedy, but we like the word, “shelly,” because no one uses it as much as they used to. Between Johnny Angel and “Here’s Johnny,” we’re hoping you remember the word for future reference.

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