To our knowledge, the Pomeranian may be the only breed which counts “beaver’ as one of its AKC acceptable colors. It’s is an interesting color that’s actually a dilute chocolate with shades that range from a cream-beige to an orange-brown. In previous standards, this color was referred to as biscuit. Some mistake a cream Pom for a Beaver, but this is determined by skin pigmentation. A Beaver is distinguished from the cream color by a self-colored beige/brown pigment on the dog’s nose, lips, eye rims, and foot pads. As an aside, a Pom that has any black in its coat or points is not a Beaver.
Image of a Beaver Pom found on Pinterest and we’d very much like to give proper credit to this dog. Speak up if you can help.
Not my photo, but finished a beaver about 20 years ago. Not an easy task! Had hazel eyes, nose and footpads. Color was similar to a chocolate bar opened and left out…..kind of a silvery light brown……..
Thanks for the input, Lynda! We’re always so pleased to hear from experts, the people who own the breeds we talk about. Did you find the dog attractive?
I seem to have a Beaver Pom. He is 5 1/2 months old and color is staying the same. Light colored pads and nose, green eyes.
Thanks for sharing his picture, Nona, we can’t get enough good examples of Beaver Poms! He’s a sweetie!
I think this is a Beaver pup
= I have a beaver pom. I’ll post some pictures of Teddy (DOB 12/23/2019) here. He fulfills all the requirements: green-hazel eyes; he has no black pigment on his body; the eyes rims, lips, nose and paws are completely brown; the coat is amazing … a mixture of cream, white, gold, light orange and light brown.
Here is a second picture of Teddy’s evolution
Here is a third picture of Teddy’s evolution
Here is a fourth picture of Teddy’s evolution
He looks like my pups twin, that’s so crazy?!
He also looks a lot like my pomeranian!
You can see her here: https://www.instagram.com/sirithepomeranian/
Would love to keep in touch!
Here is my Beaver Pom Kola!
This is Sophie pink nose toes and eyeliner
How cute!
I have a 10 month old beaver pom and he has such a wise face.
Nancy, that face!!
I have a female that looks like yours! She’s about 4 months younger
I just adopeted this cutie on Saturday. I believe he is beaver colored. Brown nose with one little spot of black
He’s a doll, Amanda! You could be right about his color!
Trying to figure what color to call my little girl. I know her coat will still change since she is still 8 wks old. She has light eye rims, purplish nose with a pink spots. Her foot pads are black and pink spotted. Her dad is cream w/ some darker tan sabling. Her mom is black. No info on either grandparents.
Hard to say, Tonya. We invite our Pomeranian owning readers to weigh in on their opinion, but for now, watching her color evolve has to be a little like opening a present very slowly… Perhaps you can occasionally send us a photographic update?
Update on mila.. 6 mos old, purplish nose, light eye rims spotted paw pads. Tan color smeared across her head, back and hind legs. White on belly and bottom of tail. Eyes are brown but not as dark as her mother or brother. But she is starting to get blackish skin on her muzzle and her belly come to think about it. (Not loosing any hair so we don’t think it’s BSD)
Look how much she’s grown, Tonya! Could the dark skin be simple pigmentation?
I believe our new baby is a beaver Parti color but not 100 sure. Any thoughts?
Here’s my beaver pom girl!! She’s such a beautiful girl!!
What a sweetie, Stephanie!
Is my pomeranian a beaver? I’m wondering what his color is, because of te self coloured nose and eye rims and lips and during my search I saw this site abut beaver poms.
What a cutie, Annelies. We’re not experts on this breed or its color, but his color IS suspiciously like what the article describes, don’t you think?
Hi Annelies. You’re puppy is the spitting double of mine. Do you have any recent pictures?
My pom is too similar
My beaver babe, Brooklyn
Such a cutie!
My puppy is just 3 weeks old, almost, although her coat will change a lot I think she may be beaver. Self coloured pads nose and eye time.l with a little white patch on chest . Mum is black dad cream wolf sable grandparents on one side blk and tan on dad’s side cream and black.
If you think of it, Rachel, we’d love to see a “before” and after picture of your girl!
Here’s a picture of her now. Ps I thought I uploaded the picture before. Oops!
Do you have a better picture?
I thought my girl was chocolate, I guess she is beaver?
My beaver sable Pom, Logan has gorgeous hazel green eyes and loves to be prim and proper for his photos 🙂
Amanda, Logan is adorable, and yes, he’s quite the country gentleman!
i believe my Honey Bear is a beaver . She is 4 months has Hazel/ Green eyes.
What a cutie, RC!!!
My 3 year old Pom is beaver! His eyes steal my heart.
Easy to see, MM, his eyes are about to steal ours!
Hi MM! My pomeranian looks just like yours!
Here’s her instagram so we can keep in touch: @sirithepomeranian
I think mine is might be a beaver Pom too. Hazel eyes with a spark of green. Paws pad, eyeline and nose is light brown with pink.
This is Teddy born May/03/2019 one of 4 and second born. And the only Beaver. He was the first to open his eyes, and to my supersize they were green, His skin tone in pink as is his nose, lips, and eye lids. Now at 18 weeks his eyes are a hazel green, and sometimes a gold/brown color, and sometime green. But definitely cool looking!! His cote is a light brown with darker brown tale, and his skin is pink all of it, like a piglet…. it’s a trip…
Here’s my 11 month old beaver colored Pom, Copper. His grandad was beaver colored. His dad is a red and his mom a parti colored. One of his brothers was a chocolate parti.
This is my 9 y.o. beaver pom. A rescue pulled her from a commercial breeder. Her eyes are actually light brown, but she’s totally blind in her left eye and partially blind in her right (which also doesn’t point forward).
A picture of her full coat.
Bless her little heart. The commercial breeder was evidently a substandard breeder, and the little lady is lucky you found her!
This is my Beaver Pom. His name is Teddy. He is 1 year old
He’s very cute, Glenda, thanks for sharing his picture!
Our “Teddys” might be twins! Mine is Theodore, he just turned three and was rescued from northern illinois. I can’t believe how similar they are. He’s also a beaver pom.
I have one beaver pomerania puppy, with pink noies, lips and green hazel eyes
Here’s my Copper Ketel at 18 months old. His eyes stayed green. He’s the gentlest dog I’ve ever had.
Here is a second picture of Teddy’s evolution
Wonderful examples, Juliana!
Is this an albino,beaver or white Pom? The eyes are dark however the paw pads ears skin and nose rope at pink and she’s all white at 5 weeks. What are your thoughts and should I be reserved about taking her home? Both parents are multi colored and while she’s super cute I do t want to be in and out of the vet office or pay more for a dog that may have more health issues. Please let me know your thoughts
Our lead sentence is that we’re not Pom experts, breeders or even owners, and we always defer such questions to the folks who are. Perhaps one of our readers can be more helpful. That said, we’re betting they would need to see the puppy. You don’t mention who bred the dog, but we would suggest asking the breeder what health tests they conducted on the parents, and if they will sell the puppy to you with a contract spelling out what they’ll do there are any health issues that come up. When in doubt, get a puppy from a breeder who does those things. We’d encourage you to read this before you buy any Pom puppy: https://ampomclub.org/where-to-buy-a-pomeranian/
So we already have a male Pomeranian we purchased from this breeder less than 2 years ago and they obviously care about them my real questions are: is this an albino since it has pink coloration around the paws ears and nose along with the white coat and if so what extra needs will she have and if not what are the chances she’s white or beaver or having other colors show up later given her parents are multicolored?
Perhaps one of our Pom readers will have an answer for you, Pom daddy. Do you have a photo of the dog?
Wow! My pom looked so much like yours at that age.
He was 5 weeks here too.
Someone any idea how this pom his colour will turn out? The father is orange sable and the mother is sable chocolat with blue eyes
Cute, Inge. Let’s hope other readers have some ideas on how your Pom’s color will turn out.
Im so glad I found this forum, im trying to figure out the differences between the beaver color and chocolate sable. My Pom was listed as a light chocolate sable party. his mom was a dark chocolate reverse brindle party and dad was a orange sable party. his siblings were; 1 almost solid black, 1 orange sable party, and a rich dark chocolate party. he has more of a bluish/brown/purple color skin-tone. his coat is a bright orangish red with dark brown tips mostly along the top of his back. he kept bright blue eyes up until about 4 months old now they are a beautiful amber color.
I would love to see how your Pom turned out, cause he really looks like a chocolate sable in that baby pic! my boy did not look like your’s at all, he is def a beaver party.
Has anyone else with Beavers had skin issues? Dont they carry the double dilute gene (dd) that causes alopecia (CDA)? I ask cause my guy started this habit of obsessively licking his legs causing sores, scabs, discoloration of his fur and hairloss. My vet seems to think its just anxiety (most likely) but thought Id ask around.
This is our Pomeranian! Think she may be a Beaver Pomeranian! Is anyone else’s beaver pom 11 lbs??!
More pictures of our beaver Pomeranian
Does this look like a Pomeranian mixed with a chihuahua or a beaver Pomeranian?
Mine is a very athletic 11 pounder!!! I love the bigger Poms! Yours is absolutely adorable!!! To answer your other questions she looks like a good quality full blooded “Throwback” Beaver colored Pomeranian to me 😉 I used to breed tiny applehead Chihuahuas about 10 years ago. Its hard to tell with all the designer dog farmers out there now who are just out for sales and not always truthful, but the only way to know for sure is DNA. I think shes beautiful and unless you want to breed her or she has some health issue I wouldnt worry about it.
This is teddy bear. I believe he is beaver Pomeranian. Neither parents or any other pups in litter had his coloring. He has green eyes brown nose and paw pads and no black on him.
He’s adorable, Megan!
This is Marinho! I think he is a beaver pom. What do you think?
The breeder wasn’t sure what color ours would end up, but said she’d likely be beaver parti! She’s got a little purple-brown nose, cinnamon colored markings, and the sweetest eyes! We love her so much! Here she is at 3 months old! We’re excited to see how her coat and fur changes as she grows!
Darling, Aarthi.
Omg that picture looks just like my Bella when she was a baby.
Here is another one
Hello Eve! I’m planning to adopt a pomeranian that just looked like her! May I ask if you still have photos of Bella during her young age? I would really love to see her transformation 🙂
Love all your pics my beaver Pom is called Hunni she is 8 months I love her so much
She’s darling, Louise, thanks for sharing her picture with us!
Maggie is a rescue. All we know is she’s part Pom part chi. I think her Pom half may be beaver based on her nose and lip color. Thoughts?
Quite possibly!
I have a beautiful six-week-old Beaver Pom named Dixon’s Miss Ginger Fox Jones
Christina, she’s a cutie! And as befitting a beauty, you’ve given her a name to match, grin
These are my babiesss! Beaver boy and chocolate girl! We are looking forward to have their babies very soon!!!
Darling, Tani!
This is my beautiful girl Kahlo and I believe she is a bever pom. She recently had two beautiful boys and five girls
Here’s a picture of her with her babies
Finally feel like I found dogs that look similar to mine! My dog is named Benito, Benny for short & he was born Feb 11, 2021.🐾 He had blue eyes which are now green/hazel and he has a red nose. His paws are red/light brown and he is white with a cream brown pigment.
Finally feel like I found dogs that look similar to mine! My dog is named Benito, Benny for short & he was born Feb 11, 2021.🐾 He had blue eyes which are now green/hazel and he has a red nose. His paws are red/light brown and he is white with a cream brown pigment.
this was him as a baby
this was him as a baby
Hes beautiful!!! Does he have his full coat now? Do you have him on a grooming schedule?
This is my beaver pom, Murphy. He is 7 months old in this photo.
He’s a cutie, Jill, and a great example of the color.
This is Monkey, pretty sure he is a beaver party. He appears more red/orange than the others on here though. Breeder listed him as a chocolate sable, its hard to know the difference cause when you research it; you get a lot of misinformation and photos that are not good examples of what is being described. Thank you to all who posted their prized Poms!!!
This is Teddi, our 5 month old Beaver Pom. He is alert and very lively! Loves to be outdoors and run!
How cute!!
This is Chip wasn’t sure about his coloring since I never seen a Pomeranian with his coloring before. I’m glad I found this thread. Assuming he is also a beaver but still unsure. Anyone have tips for eye stains??? Thanks!!
Here is my Beaver Pom Kola!
Here is Castiel whom had hazel eyes and was my constant companion. I was told he was a beaver pom
I just got this baby last week . I could not figure out why he looked so different. Then when I put in coloring this site popped up! I knew his nose and paw pads were pinkish light brown but yes around his eyes is pink too! He is also a Throwbak adding to fox features .