Ten Breeds That Love To Eat

Almost two-thirds of dogs in developed countries are overweight, with Labrador Retrievers said to have the highest rate of canine obesity. University of Cambridge researchers think they now know why: They studied 310 Labrador Retrievers and found that 23 per cent of the dogs carried at least one copy of a mutant form of a gene called POMC which encodes proteins that help switch off hunger after a meal.

Most of us own dogs that love their treats, and the Cambridge research explains Labrador Retrievers, but how about other dogs? Do some breeds love to eat more than others?  In 2014, the AKC assembled a list of ten dog breeds that love to eat. Labs appear on the list, of course, but does your breed show up among the other nine breeds?  The Beagle shows up. So does the Pug. Check out the rest of the list here, and then tell us if you agree with the list or not.

Image from Pinterest and happily credited upon receipt of information


2 thoughts on “Ten Breeds That Love To Eat”

  1. The list is wrong. It’s missing the Dalmatian. The only time a Dal refuses food is when it is dead or dying. (Then there’s my senior boy, but he’s a “special” case …) IMy youngest eats Virginia creeper, straight off the tree. He’s dug up so many mushrooms, we’re considering trading him to hunt truffles.

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