As a public service, we’re going to save you from yourself when it comes to certain things, and in this case, it’s how to refer to the University of Georgia. It’s not “University of Georgia,” it’s UGA (say each letter). Its Bulldog mascot, however, is pronounced “Uga,” as in “ugh-ah.”
Speaking of Uga, did you know he has a specially built dog house in Sanford Stadium near the cheerleaders’ bench? Hardly a “low rent” house, Uga’s digs during the football games has air conditioning and insulation that keep him cool during home games.
Former “Ugas” who have slipped the threads of this life also have a home on the UGA campus because Georgia is the only school that buries their mascots inside the stadium in a specially built mausoleum. Since 1956, each “Uga” has a plaque inscribed with the dates of his service, along with an epitaph (the first Uga’s epitaph is “Damn Good Dog”). Flowers are placed at the graves for every game.
Image of dog house found on Pinterest and happily credited upon receipt of information