The “Davey Five Equal Parts” Silhouette

Which breed do you suppose surpasses all other breeds in how many facets are assessed by a point scale in their breed standard?

By far, it’s the Bulldog. We might have thought that the Scottie, Sealyham Terrier, American Fox Terrier and Beagle were rigorous enough with twelve different breed attributes assigned numeric points, but then we got to the Bulldog. Wow.  Twenty-nine different breed characteristics in this breed are given point values, from attitude and gait to chops and dewlaps.  Twenty nine!

We investigated a bit more and learned about the “Davey five equal parts” silhouette. In 2000, Betty Davey, a respected Bulldog breeder, published the results of her research which found that there were specific proportions that produced the ideal Bulldog silhouette, and that “the greats” in the breed both in the past and present, matched these proportions. Ultimately, we think Ms. Cavey confirmed the importance of balance.

This part is a bit of “inside baseball,” but for anyone interested, the five equal parts are:

1. Length of head from tip of lower jaw to tip of occiput
2. Length of neck from tip of occiput to the withers
3. Length of foreleg from ground to elbow
4. Height from elbow to withers
5. Back from withers to end of the loins

We’re happy to credit this image once someone gives us the information we need to do so! It was found floating around the Internet….

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