David the Great Dane has a pocket full of money from winning the National Dog Show and he’s determined to have a house built for himself and his fiancee, Sally Spaniel. Can Gerry the German Shepherd build it in time for the wedding? Will Bud Bloodhound the inspector slow him down too much? Where is architect Paul Poodle in all of this? Guess which dog becomes the hero!
We at National Purebred Dog Day® know a great many people whose love and appreciation of purebred dogs started as children and were inspired by a children’s book. “Dogs Build a House” is another a book to consider giving child to foster a love of dog breeds while teaching them how a house actually gets built. The book was written by Santa Barbara architect, Dennis Thompson, and his wife, Lois Phillips, who were inspired by their adopted Poodle, Tommy, to present the steps involved in building a house in simple terms that even a child could understand.