National Purebred Dog Day is honored – and delighted! – to welcome a new sponsor for 2021, Embark, the world leader in dog genetics. They debut a contest theme just for breeders!
The Challenge: Breeders, this is for you. Melt our judges’ hearts with your photo of the cutest litter of puppies anywhere! Show us that your pups are litter-ally the cutest around. Puppies must be over 4 weeks old but under a year old to enter. The photo must include a litter of at least 2 puppies.
Sponsor: Embark, the world leader in dog genetics.
The Prize: Up to 4 Embark for Breeders Dog DNA Test Kits to assess your litter’s genetic health risks. The litter package includes four test kits; if the winner has two or three puppies in the litter, two or three standard tests will be awarded;
The Dreaded Small Print You Must Read To Enter
•••• This contest happens on May 1 on our Facebook page. This contest is limited to breeders and is open to breeders from across the world;
•••• One entry per person; You may enter four different photo challenges. If you enter this one, you may enter three more;
•••• When submitting your photo entry on Facebook, you must indicate the name of this contest which is the Embark’s “Litter-ally” the Cutest Puppies Photo Challenge
•••• Within the photo, your image must include at least two purebred puppies from the same litter, and one of the following Embark signs which you may download from the link:
Embark’s “I ♥ Purebred Dogs” lighter teal sign (https://tinyurl.com/4k5ad28f)
Embark’s “Happy National Purebred D♥g Day” horizontal sign (https://tinyurl.com/mrsymy36)
Embark’s “Happy National Purebred D♥g Day” square sign (https://tinyurl.com/crbnhcmw)
Embark’s “I L♥ve My Purebred Dogs” darker teal sign (https://tinyurl.com/y9ujrmzp)
•••• No photoshopping, and that includes the required sign. Our judges, David Frei and Jack Grassa must see what you actually shot with your camera;
•••• Prizes go to the person submitting the winning photograph;
•••• Entering this contest implies consent that your photo may be shared on NPDD’s social media platforms, and by Embark for promotional purposes;
•••• A full explanation of how, when, and where to submit your entry can be read here;
•••• Important! You, your dog, and the puppies should have safe fun when composing your entry!
•••• Judges’ decisions are final
I❤️My Purebred Dogs
Darling pups, Mary. If the photo is for the contest, you need to submit it on May 1 under the appropriate heading. You also need to include the sign in the photo (not on top, but “in” the photo). The directions for the contest are here: https://nationalpurebreddogday.com/how-to-enter-npdds-2021-photo-contest/
A thousand apologies if you are simply sharing a photo of these adorable munchkins!