1. What is the “noble science”? – Hunting;
2. Who is the Goddess of Hunting? Diana;
3. Who is the patron saint of Hunting? St. Hubert;
4. Who was the “mighty hunter before the Lord”? Nimrod;
5. Which packs of hounds hunt the Shires?Quorn, Belvoir, Cottesmore, Fernie and Pytchley;
6. What is the term applied to the rest of Hunting England? The Provinces;
7. What do the letters FHKSB stand for? Fox Hound Kennel Stud Book;
8. What is the name of the body of people appointed to decide on policies, finalise decision, settle problems, disputes etc and whose function is to govern the hunting world in general? The MFHA;
9. If ‘tail hounds’ are the last away from a covert, what are ‘swallow tails’? A red tail coat as opposed to a skirted coat which is more commonly worn;
10. Name the four packs of Pure English Foxhounds? Brocklesby, Belvoir, Hurworth and York and Ainsty South.
Image: “The Pack Leaders,” by Fred Haycock
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