“Little Welsh Dragon”

He’s known as the “Little Welsh Dragon,” the insatiably curious little Welsh Terrier who can retrieve and hunt, go-to-ground, can take as much or as little exercise as you care to give him,but is also content to take up the entire bed.
It must frustrate owners of Welsh Terriers whose dogs are sometimes mistaken for a “miniature Airedale” (no such thing), a Lakeland Terrier, or even a Wire Fox Terrier, but Welshies are none of these. In proportion to his body, a Welsh Terrier’s head is “boxy,” rather than wedge shaped, and because he was created to have power and endurance, he has a broader, more “cobby” (or square) shape than the Lakeland. The Welch’s ear also has more leather than the Lakeland (meaning that it’s not too thin). Other differences: The Welsh Terrier is smaller than an Airedale but larger than a Lakeland, but unlike the Lakeland, the Welsh Terrier breed standard allows only one basic bi-colored coat pattern. A black jacket on his back, spreading to his neck in the front, upper thighs and tail in the back, while his head, legs, forequarters and hindquarters are a deep, reddish tan.
Welsh Terrier in pastel by Peter Biegel (1913-1988)

2 thoughts on ““Little Welsh Dragon””

  1. Uurrgggg! You had this as a triva question once! And I can’t remember. 🙂

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