“A bitch is more faithful than a dog, the intricacies of her mind are finer, richer and more complex than his, and her intelligence is generally greater. I have known very many dogs and can say with firm conviction that of all creatures the one nearest to man, in the fineness of its perceptions and its capacity to render true friendship, is a bitch….” – Konrad Lorenz, “Man Meets Dog.”
Do you agree? Are females much the same throughout all breeds, do you think? And when asked if you prefer dogs over bitches (or the other way around) in your breed, what do you say?
Black Cocker Spaniel by Jude Delaney from CaninaArt
Not my experience. While I have had the joys of dogs and bitches of the Sporting Group, I have never had a bitch whose loyalty, intelligence, joy in life, or richness of mind comes close to that of three of my dogs, and no dog with the pure wonderfulness in every way of my dog, Jazz.
What a lovely face, Marsha! Who’s a good boy!!!
Well…I have had dogs and bitches of the same breed from springers, dachshunds, and collies. My feeling is generally the boys are eager to establish a partnership and take direction much easier than the girls. My girls seem happy to form a “club” with me and though I am regarded as the president, they often feel the need to remind me that I got that way because they let me. (Please note that in the photo, I am not trying to trick anyone into thinking the border collie is a springer. I just don’t happen to have 2 springers at this time.)
Love the input, Leslie, thanks! And what a terrific picture of your gang!