Title: “Pinkys Ride Home”
Artist: Joann Wilson
Medium: Watercolor
Size: 23″ x 20″ x 1″
Price: $750.00 Contact National Purebred Dog Day to inquire about purchasing this piece
Artist’s Thoughts: I wanted to represent the personality of the breed. I wanted to show the love of owner to to the breed. I wanted to show the bond between owner, dog and society. This dog has is is loved for what it is and perfect and un-perfect animal. They are cuddly, clumsy, smart, comical, they are a French Bulldog. This little girl, I named Pinky, goes with her owner every day to work on the NY subway. Nothing but love here! I true working dog.
I framed the image in a square represented by the pole, bench and feet. I wanted to put in the shoes, like the old masters painting. The way I painted it is in natural colors and wet and fluid. The only bits of color and the collar and book.