When a breed has faced extinction as the Dandie Dinmont Terrier has, any attention is good attention, but unusual attention has sticking power. That’s why Dandie fanciers had every right to be excited in 2018 when the British Fuchsia Society recognized the Dandie Dinmont Fuchsia – a flower.
The strain was hybridised (or bred) by John Porter who got it formally registered, then handed over approximately twenty plants for propagation by Michael Hayer, an experienced Fuschia grower whose daughter Jess, as it happens, owns two Dandie Dinmonts. Any profits were intended to go to The Haining for upkeep of the Dandie Discovery Centre and Old Ginger’s Kennel and memorial statue. An initial supply of the plants was presented to each of the three stately homes associated with Dandies – The Haining, Bowhill and Abbotsford during the OG 175 celebrations.
We don’t know the first thing about fuchsias other than that they’re beautiful, so for the benefit of people who do know this stuff, below is “inside information” about this plant:
We are hoping that Dandie Dinmont Terrier folks will share whatever they know about ordering this plant, but we do know that John Porter is not involved with the sale of the Fuchsias. Dandie folks, how can readers order a plant?