When your dog does something clearly against house rules, does he or she act guilty, or do they thumb their nose at you, figuratively speaking? Is grabbing that steak off the kitchen counter worth the dirty look they’ll get upon discovery? And when found out, is it business as usual, or do they high-tail it out of the room just in case?
This photo challenge is in memory of Jay Kitchener, a tireless advocate for purebred dogs and for our right to own and ethically breed them. His wicked sense of humor was legendary, and so dry that it shattered on contact. “Take back the conversation” was a “Jay-ism,” and he nailed the problem: Animal rights and hard-line adopt-don’t-shop zealots were painting purebred dog affectionados with a very broad brush, if not fabricating their facts. Jay wasn’t having any of it, and he had little trouble advising purebred dog owners and heritage breeders to “ditch the guilt,” another “Jay-ism.”
In keeping with Jay’s advice, this contest’s theme is “Ditch the Guilt.” Interpret it from any number of perspectives including the dog’s.
Our thanks to Sally Henderson for her generosity in sponsoring the Jay Kitchener Memorial Challenge. Sally will be donating $100 into the winner’s PayPal account, and yes, you’ll want to have a PayPal account before entering.
The challenge: Interpret “Ditch the Guilt” from any number of perspectives including the dog’s, the owner’s, or the “victim’s;”
The prize: $100 deposited into winner’s Paypal account
The Dreaded Small Print You Must Read To Enter
•••• This contest happens on May 1 on our Facebook page. It is open to everyone on the planet;
•••• One entry per person; You may enter four different photo challenges. If you enter this one, you may enter three more;
•••• When submitting your photo entry on Facebook, you must indicate the name of this contest, Jay Kitchener Memorial “Ditch the Guilt” Challenge;
•••• Your entry must be for the 2021 contest. Photos submitted from previous years’ contests will be disqualified, and yes, we remember photos from one year to the next;
•••• Within the photo, your image must include a purebred dog and one of the following either downloaded from the link or handmade:
The “I ♥ Purebred Dogs” sign (https://bit.ly/3vBGL3Q)
The “Happy National Purebred D♥g Day” sign (https://bit.ly/3lv8qii)
The “I L♥ve My Purebred Dog” sign (https://bit.ly/3vEULKd)
Any official National Purebred Dog Day item available here.
•••• No photoshopping, and that includes the required sign. Our judges, David Frei and Jack Grassa must see what you actually shot with your camera;
•••• Many people may help you take your photo, but the prizes goes to the person submitting the winning photograph.
•••• Entering this contest implies consent that your photo may be shared on NPDD’s social media platforms;
•••• A full explanation of how, when, and where to submit your entry can be read here;
•••• Important! You and your dog should have safe fun when composing your entry!
•••• Judges’ decisions are final