The Virginia Foxhound Show


It’s said that the Virginia Foxhound Show at Morven Park in Leesburg, Virginia is the largest gathering of Foxhounds in the world, and we were lucky enough to have a friend of National Purebred Dog Day attend!  Sally, who also took these pictures, reports that American, English, Cross-bred, and Penn-Marydel Foxhounds came from as far away as Ontario, Texas and Kentucky to be judged (Penn-Marydel Foxhounds, by way of explanation, are an Eastern Shore strain of Foxhound).

Because Foxhounds of all types and strains are in attendance, it’s an opportunity that Masters of Foxhounds or huntsmen take to look, compare, and evaluate dogs they may be considering as additions to their kennels or bloodlines.  Some very fine specimens are on hand at this show. Winners provide a standard against which all breeding efforts in North America can be compared.

“While history is important, the future is more important,” says Virginia Foxhound Show Co-Chairman Robert N. Ferrer, Jr., MFH, Caroline Hunt. “The Virginia Foxhound Show is the venue to bring fox hunters together.”

Enjoy Sally’s photographs!

The plight of the miserable, ignored American Foxhound. Sarcasm

The plight of the miserable, ignored American Foxhound. Sarcasm

English Foxhound in the ring. Interesting that for American, Penn-Marydel, and Cross-bred Foxhounds they wear a standard hunting hat in the ring, but for English Foxhounds the Huntsman and Whipper-in wear a bowler.

English Foxhound in the ring. Interesting that for American, Penn-Marydel, and Cross-bred Foxhounds they wear a standard hunting hat in the ring, but for English Foxhounds the Huntsman and Whipper-in wear a bowler.

Penn-Marydel Foxhound packs in the ring being judged.

Foxhound,Entertainment Penn-Marydel Foxhound,hunt,Virginia Foxhound Club

American Foxhounds in the ring waiting to be judged.

Penn-Marydel Foxhound packs in the ring being judged.

Penn-Marydel Foxhound packs in the ring being judged.

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