Crossbred breeding?

As a rule, we’re loathe to diss another web site unless the site sings the praises of PETA or HSUS – but we’re making an exception here.

We first became aware of this website when we were alerted to its list of 15 “dangerous” breeds most likely to turn on their owners, and the breeds that were included stretched even our imagination. As we see it, there’s a lot more to a dog “turning” on its person than its breed.

Then the site posted an article about “responsible dog breeding – 10 characteristics of crossbreeding” which included points clearly at odds with the findings of the University of California – Davis study on the mythology of mixed breeds being healthier than purebred dogs.

It was this line in the article that tipped us over the edge: “The most important characteristic of responsible breeding, and one that leads to great crossbred dogs, is the selection of only the best of the best male and female dogs for breeding.” Remember, the author is talking about crossing breeds.

It is our view that unless a crossbreeding is done for research, to fill a needed niche for a specific job (which is how many of our purebreds got their start) or with a goal like that of some service dog organizations, no responsible owner we know of who is invested in their breed would ever consider breeding their sound, health-tested dog to anything less than an equally sound, health-tested dog of the same breed. This leaves only irresponsible owners breeding anything but the best male and females of their breeds to other less-than-the-best dogs of a different breed. That’s our view, anyway.

We’re not including their name or their link.

Wirehaired Dachshund graphite drawing by Dee Dee Murry

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