There are few dogs that can claim a breed name as lyrical as the Dutch Tulip Dog, though it’s “everyday” name is the Markiesje, (pronounced “Mar-keeeeys ya).” That it is believed to be an old dog breed is supported by several paintings from the 17th and 18th century showing a small, jet black dog resembling a Markiesje, though many have made the mistake of assuming that this intelligent dog is a spaniel of mixed parentage. The Markiesje is an authentic Dutch Spaniel whose origin can be traced back to the Middle Ages. A few cynologists even think the breed is a precursor to the Wetterhoun, Stabyhoun and Kooikerhondje, though others are more dubious and believe it’s only been bred actively since the mid 1970s.
Both images found on Pinterest and happily credited upon receipt of information.
This picture sure looks like my friends rescue
Love your dog sure looks like my Sophia
I’ve been in love with my dog since I found him 12/2003. I just st Los him on 4/2/21. I am devastated. We were never apart. I had DNA tests done but none made sense. I stumbled into your page tonight by random dumb luck and I found my dog. He’s not pure bread , no tail, no white bib was 19 lbs at his healthiest, but this is it. I cried every time I saw another photo. And his personality, intelligence, his energy level, but a true companion, this is my dog. Coincidentally, I am American of Dutch heritage.
We’re so sorry for your loss, Holly. Your wounds are fresh and raw, and we know all too well the hollowness you’re feeling. Your dog’s favorite spots are now so empty, the house so quiet. We’ve always felt that a dog leaves behind a hole in our heart that is their own, unique shape, and no other dog can fill that shape. They have their own special shape, but not that one. We’ve also felt that it is a tribute to a beloved dog that they gave us enough love to give to another dog down the road. We hope that one day, that new dog will come along, but for now, you’re grieving and we ache for you. Be kind to yourself, your sweet dog would be sad to to see your pain. Stay in touch.
I also have a rescue from an LA private rescue who is a ringer for a Markiesje, which I did not know about until a friend in Australia matched his photos to Markiesje sites. And I am a Dutch born American. I can’t help but feel there was some destiny or recognition that led us to one another. Buzzy is loyal, whip smart, loving, playful , energetic and fits the breed standard to a T except for a missing tooth and lazy eye from the 18 mos he bounced around before he came home with me. I am so sorry for your loss, Buzzy is my heart. He is loved by nearly all who meet him – the exceptions respect him for standing up for me. It sounds like you had the same.
Thank you, dear friends. I can barely write thru my tests: First, seeing the exact replica of him on a prior page moments ago Next, the kindness of your warm, thoughtful and loving understanding of my loss. I cry everyday. He was such a special creature he was a dog, a comedian, a mascot to a local establishment bc he *loved* the Blues and stopped and listened whever live blues musicians were playing, he was a rasckle , he loved Skate Boarders , he could salsa while chasing & barking at the squirrels on the tree, he Twerked on people he liked , especially the Po Po, he danced with me, he got me to my AA Meetings bc he lived meetings. He snored and pharted and was independent. He was a faster runner than herding dogs, and everyone who met him wanted him or a dog like him. Most of all, he was and will forever be, my best friend. I miss him more every day, nights are the worst. The cat still waits for him. I never leave the condo anymore I don’t know what to do without him. I sleep with his collar. 67, with a disability, I don’t think I will do justice to another dog, tho I thought I saw a stray running down my street and I went searching for it. I came to the web tonight to learn if there is a DTD rescue (I can’t spell the real name of the Breed) site. And found your lovely tribute to us.
It’s 7 months later and I miss him more every day. It just isn’t possible that he’s not here. Every time I visit this site and I see him, I know that only you all will understand my sorrow. My funny, intelligent, beautiful, friendly but a great watch dog, independent but always knew where I was or searched until he found me (playing). I keep searching rescue sites in hope of finding another DTH, but they are nowhere. I’d never seen a dog like him and everyone wanted to know all about him wherever we went. The breed is like no other and I know dogs, a pro care provider for 25 years. All dogs are special, but 🎵Nothing Compares To You 🎵, I used to sing to him all the time and Prince’s other 🎶 I Would Die For You. 🎶. I come here and the other pages & sites, for solace.
I’m hijacking bathe whole page, so sorry. Every time I visit this page and see him I just want to get out, move to Holland. It’s been more than 10 months since “then” but it feels same as those first 10 days, the first 10 minutes , without him. Dealing with all of the “Firsts”in 17.5 years, more surreal than reality. Thanks for allowing me to be a huge fan of your site.. on Pinterest I’ve pinned at least 20 photos of the DTDs, the very special Markiesje. I
Hello Holly and Christina,
I’m a owner of two Markiesje males and saw these comments. “Het Markiesje” as its official name is, is a rare breed in the Netherlands 🇳🇱 where I live. To find more information, look at http://www.nederlandsemarkiesjesvereniging.nl sadly only in dutch. There is also a very active facebookgroup https://www.facebook.com/groups/123252537833601/?ref=share where you can find lots of info and videos on Markiesjes. Other Markiesje owners in the USAand Canada are members. There are a few officially registered Markiesjes in both countries but they are descendants with a dutch pedigree. Other non registered dogs we call them Lookalikes. The lookalikes also come from other countries like Spain or eastern Europe.
Have fun experiencing the vivid Markiesje community.