The land that spawned Napoleon Bonaparte also gave us one of the most attractive brindle breeds out there (albeit a little known one) – the Cursinu (which translates to “Corsican dog”). Known on the Island of Corsica since the 16th century, the rustic and robust Cursinu accompanied flocks of sheep, guarded their sheepfold, stood watch over his master’s house, then hunted with him.
In part, a lessening dependence on the pastoral world led to the breed nearly vanishing, and it might have had it not been for the Cursinu Safeguarding Association formed after the publication of Paul Franceschi’s study of the genetic characteristics of the breed. Concerned fans of the breed undertook action to safeguard this Corsican native.
It helped. There are now presently some 2,000 Cursinus in Corsica, and the breed is growing in popularity (and numbers) in France, possibly because the Société Centrale Canine (French Kennel Club) has recognized the breed since 2003. Check out the breed being exhibited in the show ring at a Paris Dog Show in 2015:
A nice showing for a breed now often presented as a symbol of Corsica
Image of Cursinu by Küchenkraut – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5752509
I recently rescued an dog that I believe might be a Cursinu. However it is very hard to find anyone that I can contact that could verify her breed for me. Most of the information I have found is in French and I cannot find any breeders in the USA. Do you know of any breeders or clubs that I could contact that could assist me?
I too have a dog that is identical to a Cursinu, but can’t find anything in the USA. I think we would have to start our own club!!
I might have one, too. A rescue discovered her being sold on the wrong side of town with Parvo. The sellers released her to a dog rescue for medical treatment. She survived and is with me now.
She is one lucky lady, Jen!
YES! lets start one! to cool…
I am french and Cursinu breeder in states.texas.It is absolutly impossible you have a cursinu.They are from an island .Corsica. Mine come from Corsica. Most of stray dogs and mix shepherds looks like a cursinu dog.
A female dog was rescued in Texas. She had 12 puppies in her. We have one of h th he pups at our home in VA. Both mother and puls look identical to Cursinu. I wonder if there is a chance, small as it nay be, that they could be traced back to one of your dogs. Happy to send pics.
My Corsinu want to be
I to think I may have one and am eager to learn more. She was a rescue from Texas.
I have one from a rescue service in the south through Petfinder. My vet believes she is Cursini but I have not tested her DNA yet and can not do so during the limited corona hours at the vet. She looks just like your dog
Absolitely No cursini in usa.they come from a little island in mediterranean sea .only about 150 official births a year.France and Europe. I have 4 in texas but they all come from France. All of them are not brindle shepherds, they come in yellow with black face and almost black…they are medium.dogs max 25 kls.sometimes with long hairs.
Ours was a rescue from Texas too and looks JUST like yours. She is somewhere around 9 now.
so cool! Would love to see a photo.. I have wondered if they would show up on DNA?
Hi I am in texas.french breeder.no cursini in usa. Mine come from Corsica island. A lot of dogs actually look like cursini but they aren’t. Lot of mix look like Cursinu. They are primitive dogs, very old breed.Very very very rare even in France .Only about 150 official births a year.
your puppy is my Pepper’s twin. She was adopted out of Georgia
Same here, found in Europe , brought into US, I guess we can start a new breed
Please don’t. Cursini pure breed are very rare. Only a few of them were born in corsican Island last year.it’s not a cursinu if comes from a rescue somewhere in Europe. Most of stray dogs and primitives dogs look like cursini but they obviously aren’t. Corsican people make a hard work since 40 years to save this breed.its pure breed national ,day not mix dogs day.please respect the breeders. No cursini in usa. Except mine lol.but they all come from Corsica Island. A brindle shepherd is not a Cursinu.there is a lot ot of different coats.
This girl is young. but has already had pups. shes just wandered up in our neighborhood. about 40lbs. We are pretty remote, out in rural Alabama, USA, so we feel as if someone dumped her out here.
Surely she’s a mix of something but I thought she looked remarkably like this breed.
SHe’s super calm and friendly.
There has to be a special ring of hell for someone who dumps a dog, but bless your heart for taking her in. She sure does resemble the breed!
She might also have some Plot Hound in her.
hello I don’t know how it happened but ~~ 2 years ago my cursini was born and his mother is a miniature pinscher. what do you think
Polonia Polska Polish
Us too.rural oklahoma. Someone dumped the mom who was dead with our pup left at about 5 wks. She works as my PTSD dog. She’s a natural cattle herder too. Such a sweet natured girl ans has yet to meet a stranger.
Hi I am in texas.french breeder.no cursini in usa. Mine come from Corsica island. A lot of dogs actually look like cursini but they aren’t. Lot of mix look like Cursinu. They are primitive dogs, very old breed.Very very very rare even in France .Only about 150 official births a year.
I am interested in having a pure bred Cursinu female. What are the chances of this? I live in central Texas Austin to be exact.
I am in the UK & rescued a street dog from Macedonia in 2019.
I believe she is also a Cursinu.
Would love to speak with others anywhere.
Aria is a sweet girl, loves to run/walk, is a little reserved with people but friendly once she knows them. Good with other dogs, noted she will interact with them if they’re friendly & ignores them if they don’t want to know.
We also have a rescue girl that came through many states (maybe even countries) that have both the looks and characteristics of the Corsicana.
Your girl looks almost identical to my girl Princess. We almost hit the floor when we saw this picture.
His Mom was more like cream but he looks just like his dad. I rescued him in the dominican republic.
Just adopted this sweetheart from turkey. I’m wondering what mix breed she is. Actually i though cursinu, but after reading how rare I don’t think that’s the right breed 🙃
She looks a bit like cursinu I think 🤔
hello I don’t know how it happened but ~~ 2 years ago my cursini was born and his mother is a miniature pinscher. what do you think
Polonia Polish Poland
Wow! I came across this site and can’t believe how much my dog resembles this breed. He has a long fan like tail that is beautiful. I wish I could attach more than 1 pic.
He’s a cutie, that’s for sure, Sharon, and that tail is amazing!
Here is another of his tail.
Here is my pup I adopted from a shelter here in illinois.
This dog could be my dog, Maggie’s, twin! We adopted this rescue in 2021 when she was found in Arizona around 9 months old. From this picture, I honestly thought this was my dog. We did a DNA test and it came back with a giant blend of breeds but more and more I think she might be at least a mix of this bread.
Here’s our girl’s tail fanned out – so fluffy!
Here is my pup from Illinois. I love his fan like tail. I see a resemblance for sure.
woow, but they are similar to each other
woow, but they are similar to each other x2
Our dog has the most incredible tail as well. Super long and fanned out. Her markings are lighter brindle and she actually had a spotted tongue as well. She’s an absolutely sweetheart with the best deposition and super submissive. We couldn’t have rescued a more perfect dog and would 100% pick this breed if she is in fact a Cursinu.
Here is her tail fanned out.
من هم یک نژاد از کورسینی دارم و در ایران 😍😍
Ed note: Translation from Persian: “I also have a breed of Corsini and in Iran”
I have gotten my dog about 7-8 years ago I think she may be a corsica but I don’t know. If anyone knows please reply to this comment.
I work at a dog rescue in Texas . I’m not sure but he looks like this possible breed or maybe a mix with this breed. His marking are absolutely beautiful,nothing like I’ve ever seen.