Based on the photograph here, any alternative name for the Bull Terrier should include the word, “Warrior,” but maybe that’s just us. Certainly it’s not how some other cultures have seen it.
The Afrikaans name for the Bull Terrier is Varkhond which means Pig-dog. While most people think that this is because of the dog’s pig-like appearance (which honestly, we don’t see), it’s more likely that the name came about from cross-bred bull terriers used in the past for bush-pig and warthog hunting in South Africa, especially in the Eastern Cape.
Speaking of countries in the southern hemisphere, the oldest female Bull Terrier on record was an Australian family pet named “Pappu Trout,” who remained sprightly into her 17th year.
Image: “Wild At Heart” giclée of an original photograph by artist Lix North of www.lixcreative.com is available for purchase at www.lulubully.com.
I have a boy now. Years back i bred them for show. Once you have one it’s hard not to always have one. I’m actually glad they’re not all that popular in the U.S as some people would consider doing bad things with them. They aren’t for everyone. And certainly not a first time dog owner. It can be a “battle of wills” from time to time. But they are soooo humerus it’s hard sometimes to do any kind of correction. All in all a great breed if u have patience for a 2 year old that never grows up. Lol
Great comment, Lynne. We are weak-kneed for the breed, but we know that the Bull Terrier isn’t a good fit for us, so we admire (and laugh) from afar…