She’s Got Legs

Scroll down and enjoy ZZ Top doing our “intro:”

Legs, if you haven’t already guessed, is the subject of this post, and the Azawakh has them to spare. Much of the breed’s height is because of incredibly long legs which are among the longest of any dog relative to height. In fact, these legs make the Azawakh one of the few breeds which is significantly taller from floor to shoulder than it is long from chest to rump, the usual ratio being 9 inches long for every 10 inches tall.

Form follows function, and this is superbly illustrated by legs that go on for miles, figuratively speaking. The Azawakh is desert creature, and tall legs help keep the dog above the heat of the desert floor. One Azawakh owner says her dog uses her long front legs and flexible ankles much like a hook to reach out and trip moving prey.

Long, muscular hind legs are also used for explosive speed, and to cover more distance with longer strides.

Photo of Aliya Taylor’s “Toumour” taken by Christina Beckerman

Interestingly, we’re told that Azawakh don’t usually run with an extended gait like a lot of sighthounds, but rather, they tend to lope. The legs are easily drawn up close to the body, then kicked out with amazing force to kick down prey during a chase. This technique is called, “thumping down prey.” Once the prey is “thumped” down and tumbling across the ground, another dog in the hunting party grabs it. Azawakh also “bump down” prey with their deep chest, and use it to pin down prey to allow for strategic bites and more blows from the front limbs. A long neck and narrow head aids in this strategy.

Flat muscling adds to the Azawakh’s sleek appearance, but it also helps release heat from the body allowing the dog to cool more efficiently, and to slow twitch muscles for greater endurance.

And finally at the end of a long day, an Azawakh can fold herself up into a tiny lap dog if need be as seen below: 

One would never guess that the “lap dog” sitting on Elaine Sweet-Mason’s lap is a loooonnnnng legged Azawakh

Drawing by Daoud Abdullah Abdullah (who is also is an Azawakh breeder and an authority on the breed) appears with his kind consent



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