Teckel and Dackel are words that refer to the Dachshund, but are there nuanced differences between any of them? Let’s try to sort it out:
In Germany, all Dachshunds are called “Dackels,” but among among hunters, they’re called “Teckels” (and make no mistake about it, Dachshunds are superb sporting dogs).
To complicate matters, we’ve also read that in the northern tip of Germany, “Teckel” is more commonly used, while in the southern end, Dachshund and Teckel were combined to come up with “Dackel.” We came across a conversation in a breed forum in which someone wrote: “Dackel is just a short form of Dachshund. The -el is very common in German. Gretta vs Gretel etc. And Teckel is just a regional difference.”
Perhaps a German born Dachshund-owner can clear this up for us?
In Britain, meanwhile, a Teckel typically refers to a working type of Dachshund, and more specifically, a wire haired variety, at that.
As we understand it, Germans make no distinctions between “show” Dachshunds and “working” Dachshunds. A Dachshund is a Dachshund is a Dachshund. Such a distinction, however, is made in Great Britain.
Merriam-Webster says that the word, “Dachshund” entered the English language around 1882. but the first verifiable reference to “Dachshund,” originally named the “Tachs Kriecher” (badger crawler) or “Tachs Krieger” (badger catcher), was made in books written much earlier in the early 1700s.
Dachshund Puppy by Christy Freeman is available for purchase here.
Nice! Loved this article, not too wordy but still well written.
Gosh, thank you! We always appreciate hearing from readers, especially when it’s a positive comment. Thanks for making our day!!
Having lived in Gemany for many years and being “Herrchen” to a long haired Dachshund the term Teckel means a cross between a Dachshund and a Terrier hence Teckel as the Germans call a Dachshund a Dackel.
Very interesting, Paul, thank you!
Here’s a thought……the wire haired variety was born of crossing the standard smooth with the Dandi Didmott, that woul;d account for the term being used to discribe a dachshund x terrier. Any idea when the term was first used? Maybe it was when this x was first introduced???
„Dachshund“ is the original form since 18th century. „Teckel“ is a minimization in Northern Germany (Niederdeutsch) , „Dackel“ a minimization in Southern Germany (Oberdeutsch). Nowadays most Germans say „Dackel“, German hunters prefer „Teckel“.
That is not correct. In the north of Germany they call the pure breed of Dachshunds “Teckels”. It is a regional difference in Germany.
I searched the country for a smooth red daschund. A man told me he had a litter on the way. Well his 1 boy that was born was cream despite the colors of his parents. The man also told me he was smooth but as he gets bigger his hair is getting longer. He’s cute but doesn’t look anything like the daschund I have seen. Can you tell if he is in fact a daschund?
Not a Dachshund. Run as far away as you can from this man. Contact the breed club in your area/country to find reputable Dachshund breeders – and if you need help, let us know where you live.
Defintely not a dachshund, to me it looks like it may be a Cockerpoo. Did you see the parents with the puppy?
We adopted a dog from the shelter. Did the DNA and it came back as shitzu and long haired dachshund. She had a sister that looks just like the pic of yours! Ive attached a pic of ours. We have her groomed.
What a cutie, Leah!
Your puppy is beautiful Amanda and I’m sure you love him just the same. I have two long haired mini dachshunds. My daughter has one. A great friend of mine is a reputable breeder. If you ever want one I’ll be happy to connect you with her.
You should know by now!
But sorry it is not a Teckel, a Dackel or a Dachshund. The nose is not long enough… but he is very cute!
Let us know.
A friend of my mother’s lived in the Netherlands for over a decade and she told use that they use teckel as well.
Good to know – and LOVE the drawing