For the benefit of our “city folk,” we share a video that (truth be told) is still impressive for those of us who live in ranch country and are familiar with stock dogs:
Aside from the obedience, restraint, and word comprehension of these dogs, consider their literal point of view: They are eye-level with the hock joints of really big animals, some of which kick without warning.
Why are Border Collies so freaking smart?
A few years ago, a documentary by Nova Science Now reported on a gene – CTNND2 – that could be responsible for the Border Collie’s high level of intelligence as compared to some other dog breeds. In humans, it is important for normal cognitive development, and while some sources report that the Border Collie genome showed selective breeding for this gene, other sources aren’t so sure. For the moment, and until we know otherwise, we figure that Border Collies are simply aliens from a planet with advanced life forms.
Border collies are a super-smart dog breed
That they are, Adaobi, almost other-worldy, in fact!
Really you think they are worldly , they kind of love having a fun time
Great article and very relevant given the time. Well done!
Humanity is gradually beginning you come to terms with the cardinal place of pets (dogs, cats, among others) as an integral part of the society.
In wars for instance, dogs play an integral part in strategy and discerning. Furthermore, there are service dogs, executive protection dogs, emotional therapy dogs, among other functional attributes of these amazing canine buddies.
It is however important that regard for this creatures and their rights are learnt early in life.
border colliers a weirdly smart
Border collier a weirdly smart
Smart and cute.