A Breed Borne of Technology

We don’t always associate advances in technology with the creation of a dog breed, but just such an advance provided fertile ground for the creation of the Flat Coated Retriever. Technological development in hunting firearms like the flintlock fowling piece in the late 1700’s, as well as the 1800’s invention of the percussion lock device meant that hunters could down birds quickly, and this called for a dog that could find these birds. The Flat-Coated Retriever filled this niche, and was among the dogs referred to as the “Retriever Proper,” a way of grouping various types of emerging retrievers which included the Wavy Coated Black – subsequently called the Flat-Coated Retriever.

 Photo of a four year old Flat Coated Retriever named “Kaos” whom you can follow on the Instagram account, @Auggienemo 

6 thoughts on “A Breed Borne of Technology”

  1. My Instagram is actually Auggienemo where you can find KAOS & my other 2 True & Mayhem

  2. Kaos is definatley an excellent example of our beloved FCR. Unlike other sporting breeds which have a field and ring type, the FCR has one structure. Breeders in this lovely breed have gone to great lengths to reserve the single type. Called the “Peter Pan of the dog world” you will never be bored.

    • So true! They are so lovably mischievous and humorous. What a wonderful breed.

      • Thanks for writing, Richard! We love hearing from actual owners who are better fit to opine on a breed than we are who don’t live with them.

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