
Remove term: PhotoContest2024 PhotoContest2024

Monica Turner McPherson’s “Who’s in Charge Here?” Photo Challenge

We welcome Monica Turner McPherson to NPDD's photo contest as a repeat sponsor (they're the best!) and she has a ...

Impact Dog Crates “Adventure Doggos ’24” Photo Challenge

Impact Dog Crates has been a long time supporter of National Purebred Dog Day, and we are especially proud that ...

The Groomer’s Guide’s “Bad Hair Day” Photo Challenge

We welcome first time sponsor, Certified Master Groomer, Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins to National Purebred Dog Day, who brings a fun photo ...

Betsy Copeland’s “My Little Stinker” Photo Challenge

Bloodhound friend and longtime supporter of National Purebred Dog Day, Betsy Copeland, returns as a cherished sponsor, and this year, ...

Quick List of All 2024 Photo Challenges

Scroll down to see all the challenges for NPDD's 2024 Fun Photo Contest in one place (and in no particular ...

“Scenes From a Book” Photo Challenge In Memory of Charlee Helms

Though she was taken from us far too soon in 2016, Charlee Helms remains vivid in the memory of the ...

The “Swamp Monster” Photo Challenge in Memory of Jay Kitchener

Some said they heard it just before they felt it, an unearthly sound of breathing that made every hair stand ...

Preservationists of Purebred and Purposefully Bred Dogs’ “Where’s Waldo” Photo Challenge

We are "twitterpated" to welcome the return of past sponsors, Preservationists of Purebred and Purposefully Bred Dogs, true partners in ...

The Gourmet Gift Baskets’ “Sweets and Treats” Photo Challenge

When "thank you" doesn't seem enough. When National Purebred Dog Day wants to say "thank you" to the judges who ...

The CMF “About Town & Country” Hat Photo Challenge – Open to Dachshunds ONLY

Carrie Mehdi was a vital part of the Dachshund community for over 30 years. President of the Dachshund Club of ...

Leading Edge Dog Show Academy “Show Off!” Photo Challenge 2024

National Purebred Dog Day is delighted to welcome back Leading Edge Dog Show Academy, the world's first and leading online ...

Kingsbury Harriers’ “I’m all Ears” Photo Challenge

Does your dog have selective hearing? Can they hear the opening of a treat bag from another room? In another ...