We don’t fully understand the natural affinity between Dalmatians and horses, but it exists. The breed seem to hav...
Read MoreThe Chesapeake Bay Retriever: The Dog That Can Break Through Ice
It’s incredible to us that there is a sporting breed out there that is so driven by instinct, so hardy, so tough, ...
Read MoreThe Interactive Map of British Breeds
Though we are an American based site, a great many of us own breeds originating in the UK, and this interactive map of w...
Read MoreThe Boss in this Situation: It ain’t the Cow
It has been one of the most shared photographs in NPDD history, and for good reason. Jeff Jaquish’s photo shows th...
Read MoreThe Isabella Color Legend
As legend has it, Isabella, the daughter of Phillip II of Spain, pledged not to change her linen (underwear) until the f...
Read MoreAustralian Cattle Dog History
It is no small thing to provide a brief synopsis of the Australian Cattle Dog’s history, for it is rich, and a lit...
Read MoreHow Tenacious is the Australian Cattle Dog?
How tenacious is the Australian Cattle Dog? In November 2008, “Sophie Tucker,” an Australian Cattle Dog fell...
Read MoreWhat Breed Was the First Dog in the World to Base Jump in a Wingsuit?
“Whisper” is the first dog in the world to ever experience base jumping in a wing-suit. According to Dean Po...
Read MoreThe Australian Cattle Dog (Not to Standard)
The Australian Cattle Dog by Lindsay at Not to Standard https://www.facebook.com/nottostandard http://society6.com/notto...
Read MoreSophie Tucker, the Tenacious Australian Cattle Dog
How tenacious is the Australian Cattle Dog? In November 2008, “Sophie Tucker,” an Australian Cattle Dog fell...
Read MorePembroke Registrations
We’re pretty tickled to report at the time of this writing (according to writer, Stuart Winter) in an article appe...
Read MoreBluetick Coonhound
To our eye, one of the appealing parts of the Bluetick Coonhound is its prodigious tail, carried high and with a forward...
Read MoreLabrador Retriever: Hitler Foe
In 1946, a stray Labrador Retriever was recruited to fight against Hitler. Named, “Rex,” the Lab helped dete...
Read MoreGuess the Puppies’ Breed
We know how you love a challenge, NPDD fans. With this post, we’re asking you to name the breed of these babies. I...
Read MoreGuess the Breed of These Babies
Can you name the breed of these babies? Answer at the end If you have newborns or shaved down dogs which you think would...
Read MoreMonday. Already.
That shell shocked “you’re kidding me” look can only mean one thing. It’s Monday. Already. Photo...
Read MoreA “Green” Solution to Protecting Livestock
At National Purebred dog Day, we are big fans of Livestock Guardian Dogs, a “green” solution to protecting l...
Read MoreThe Dog’s Ear, Part II
Not long ago, we shared this image with you that identified the “antihelix” part of the ear (and to our imme...
Read MoreThe Kuvasz: Livestock Guardian Dog
At National Purebred dog Day, we are big fans of Livestock Guardian Dogs, a “green” solution to protecting l...
Read MoreDalmatians are Black OR Liver, but Not Both on the Same Dog
Dalmatians are black OR liver, but not both on the same dog – and from this point on, we’re walking into the...
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